Meet the players
Deneé Hughes
Ian whittington
D&D Therapy began as a string of conversations between DM friends who needed an outlet to share ideas, secrets and struggles.
We thought, if WE feel the pain of not being able to share game lore, avoided fights, and missed clues, then YOU probably have too!
Join us on Twitch and on the DandDTherapy podcast for stories and fun!
We tell stories, talk about game strategy, new ways to look at the game, and we answer your questions about how to handle various elements of your campaign.
Not because we’re the best, but because we rolled real low on our INT ST and decided to take our crazy conversations public. Weee!
Roll performance
Submit your question / story
->Share your<-
•lost lore
•epic game moments
•epic game fails
•SEcrets that no one in your game can know
•Party moments that matter the most
•favorite fight
Roll History
What You Say
Well, right now you aren’t saying a lot because we’re just getting started. But when you have feedback here’s where you will read what other people think about our show!
Until real people tell us what they think…here’s what we hope they will say.
Great Idea!
I loved your random fight build and will use that next game.
Nobody cares about who killed The Mighty Architect, and now I can tell you that it was BRUMSICK!
I am not a DM
And I love this show!
Who Drew your logo?
Jacob Martindale aka Mr. Collect It! Find him on Twitter and Instagram.